But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


Last year, the landowner for The Lost Garden sowed some phacelia close to my apiary though I haven't been able to discover why. It is normally grown as a green manure plant but it doesn't seem likely that he would sow it for that purpose in a corner of a rough pasture. Perhaps it was for his own bees a few hundred yards away, or it could have been an altruistic action for the benefit of mine; whatever the reason, it did provide me with last year's honey crop.

This year, some of the phacelia has seeded and regrown, but His Lordship has seen fit to broadcast a wild flower mix which seems to include some form of brassica which this hover fly seems to like though, maybe, it's just enjoying the warm afternoon sun. Normally, I don't like brassica honey, think oil seed rape; the honey produced from that family is tasteless unless you consider white sugar to be flavoursome and a bucket of it can set overnight to the consistency of concrete on which you wouldn't want to risk your best cutlery. However, the odd plant in a general mix isn't going to do any harm.

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