Buddha on a boat

I snapped this scene during a quick lunchtime walk by the canal at King's Cross.

At the Feast meeting this evening, we discussed a problem Retro Village (the area I help look after) has with power. It started with a misunderstanding. "A problem with parrots?" asked Italian Ana, mishearing my accent. "Pirates?" said Dutch Hetty, with a great deal of puzzlement. Ah, if only my problem was with parrots or pirates. The power conundrum is one that rears its head every Feast. We are generously gifted the use of a business's car park for Retro Village, but there's no electric power in this area except from a second-hand shop, which has only a limited amount of plugs and it's a real faff/hazard to negotiate the second-hand furniture and ornaments with the cables. We need to power a record player, amp and two kettles (for the coffee stall), but we have only enough plugs for the music. One of the Feasties is sure we can find a solution from a shop that's farther away. There's a plan afoot. Let's hope it's not a wooden foot. Ar-ar me hearties! Squawk!

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