Lee Feeldandy

By uncledoubles

'Holidays are Comin' '

which scaremongering jizz-gurgling, cum-drunk war-apologist came up with this sparkling idea.
Lest we forget the public servants shamed out of office decades after their appalling records on Hillsborough, Levinson (Coulson-Brooke bought you off inspector Knacker)now South Wales, MPs expenses, BBC, HBos, we own it apparently, and our own blessed Creative Scotland lambasted by artists across the spectrumCritiSism
We are now being watched from inside phone-booths to see if we are fiddling our taxes, YOU ARE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE DICKHEADS.
Mind you safe as houses using a phonebox as a hidey hole no fucker ever uses them now not even to have a piss so all the cunts walking by with Hollister/Primark bags playing childrens games on their phone-pad-consoles that feed into the infantalisation of society living at home with mum and dad whilst cruising around a virtual NY shitting in hookers mouths or watching x-box footballers racially abuse each other and not paying taxes will be okay beacause we have nothing to fear but fear itself.
All the clowns who voted for a coalition are seeing a big turkey dressed as Martin Bormann coming home to roost on the inflatable sleigh on the roof this Christmas.

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