
OK, so variations on a theme week continues. When I've got my camera with me I've always got my face with me as well, so might as well experiment. And if that means chopping, slicing, dicing and other mucking about then so be it.

The not fun part - chopping up the original image into 10 equal sized slices, and numbering them, from left to right, 1 to 10.

The fun part - having a collaborator. My collaborator for today was only too eager to help when I told her what we'd do. It involved writing out the numbers on a piece of paper, cutting them up and scrunching them up before picking them at random out of the bowl and writing out the sequence of numbers in order of selection to determine how my face would be be re-assembled.

Here's The Method as a little photographic essay if you like.

And here's the sequence that came out - 3 2 6 8 9 10 1 5 7 4

Apparently for tomorrow's blip I've been told that it'll be her face that's going to get randomized and it's me that's picking the numbers. So now you know.

Obligatory music to close - summat dark and brooding. Brand new.

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