Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Lone Tree

Yet another horrible drizzly, wet day - wellies required! I quite fancy some kind of rain hat for days like this. A proper hat not one of those plastic foldy things, the name of which escapes me, that my Gran always had in her handbag, a real hat that I can see around and not have to swizzle my head and hood 180 degrees to see who is talking to me. Every time I try to discuss this with my family - Ky gives me the over my dead body look! Just because we're just back from her school parents night and all the teachers only had good things to say about her, I don't think she has any reason to poo poo the idea of me dog walking in a hat. It's not as though I'd wear it to a parents night but if she really upsets me - maybe next year!

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