
By DancingAly

Little Scruffy

Little B enjoying a cuddle with Auntie Shelle and a quick power nap! Same old same old at school today. Very busy morning, followed by the dreaded Christmas Play rehearsal this afternoon. Actually went very well, and having been singled out yesterday as the only class that didn't know any songs, 2F began an emergency practice at about 2:30pm, which was rather enjoyable! In September I started teaching them a bit of Ballroom and Latin dancing as part of PE, but now Christmas is in full swing, we will probably have to put that to one side until the new year. I went to buy my new TV in the evening, in preparation for having Virgin installed on Thursday. I rarely watch TV, so I'm really only getting it for internet purposes! Might be nice to have something to watch though. Dancing lesson in the evening, and practiced our quickstep and jive. Ended up going a little off track and chatting about houses! I was ribbed for never cooking and living largely on fruit and biscuits! My dance partner is trying to move house but I discovered her main criteria is the distance to the nearest Chinese takeaway! I cannot express how much this would never be a consideration in my mind! My teacher was impressed I had finally moved in to my house. I said it took me four hours to move. She told me " No A, it took you a year and four hours"! She is in fact correct...!

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