
By EgyptUnveiled


This is a Movember tash for my Cousin Tim, in Australia
Every year he nurtures his tash/mo, to raise awareness for MOVEMBER. This year is particularly poignant for one member of the family.....

I have been searching the streets of Luxor, for a tash worthy of such high recognition and think I have found it!

This Mo, was spotted on the ferry to Luxor, at approximately 10am this morning. The owner of said Mo, was off to sell fish in the souk (Market) I think we all agree it's a beauty yes?

It's been in residence for 40 years and has been groomed and maintained for, such 'Random' people as me in search of a Blip...If you feel the need, please help sow the mo, in Movember.....Many will appreciate it :-) x

I am proud to say 'I blipped a mo'!!
'Knowledge is Power, Moustache is King'
Love to Tim and my dear Uncle xx

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