Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Low tide beach walk

Took Kilda to Portie for a big beach walk this morning. It was a very low tide so some of the old groines were visible. Shopping on the way back before popping out to get some more coffee. Left Kilda asleep on the bed and went to the whisky fringe. Another great 4 hours of whisky tasting. This year decided to try new bottles we could afford to get instead of just the expensive stuff. Found a few more bottles to add to the collection. NB got the date wrong and unfortunately turned up late but we had fun trying to find the best drams at the fringe for her to try in the last hour. She came back to the flat for some food and another dram before getting the train back. Kilda and I walked her to the station and then Kilda had a run in the garden before settling down for the night

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