
CyclopsJnr had a bit of a cough overnight so we had a slow get-up, but he seemed fine and was keen to go to holiday club so off we went.  It was a special occasion!  A man was coming in with some animals for the children to look at.  CyclopsJnr loved it, he tells me there was a snake (“as big as Daddy!”) and a Bearded Dragon (“they eat worms!”) and a skunk.
But when I picked CyclopsJnr up at lunchtime he was having a nap!  The teacher said he’d been fine, but was dropping off in his sandwiches.  OK!  So I took him home and he had more nap in bed, but when he woke up he seemed very sorry for himself.  I thought he maybe needed antibiotics as he was acting much like the time he’d had tonsillitis.  So I took him to the GP and they said we should go up to Sick Kids as a precaution, again much like when he had tonsillitis. 
When we got there they said his oxygen levels were low (86) and so he needed an oxygen mask on.  That perked him right up, and they did the various examinations and patient history and all that stuff and decided it was ‘Viral induced wheeze’ so he had the appropriate medicine and we just had to wait a bit and see if he could keep his oxygen levels up himself.  He had a sandwich and watched some DVDs and talked to anyone who would listen about ninjas, and was in good spirits.   Turns out he couldn’t maintain his oxygen levels though, so MrsCyclops and CyclopsJnr stayed overnight. 
We arrived about 5.15pm and finally got into the ward about 9pm, but it was all fine and CyclopsJnr settled down for a sleep no problems.  We had nothing with us of course, as we thought we were going out to the GP then coming home!  But we made do.  MrsCyclops was able to borrow a phone charger once on the ward, and charge her phone, so she could let cyclops know what was going on.  He was on his way back from Texas!
This viral induced wheeze appears to be a common childhood illness and the doctors are not overly concerned.  Looking at his history they say it is likely to be a one-off and is just bad luck that he got it. 

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