
Back in March, the Minx brought me to the Haweswater Hotel for a birthday surprise. We had such a lovely time that when we left we booked in for a few nights later in the year when Dan and Abi would be in South Africa and the miniMinx would be away in Scarborough with the Minx's mum.

That week has finally arrived and this afternoon we drove up, taking a scenic route with just a short spell on the motorway. Man, the reservoir is a *lot* lower than than the last time we were here! After unloading the car, we took a drive down to the southern end, where the village used to be.

There's far more exposed now than on our previous visit; you can clearly see the old road and the walls that would have been around the fields. The car park was full though, so I decided to come back tomorrow to explore properly.

That little trip out done, we hit the bar and then ate in the restaurant, which was just as good as I remembered it.

-13.0 kgs
0 words
‘A History Of Seven Killings’ by Marlon James. I've been (not) reading this for about three weeks now. I'm on about page 40... I need to crack on with it this week.

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