Stiffknees, Mr Hare & HareBrain

What a wonderful day we've had starting with a blipmeet with the lovely Stiffknees in her delightful home. Sadly, and particularly for Mr T, Mr Stiffknees was not at home as he was indulging in one of his passions of Hill Climbing this weekend, but Mr T entered into our numerous conversations, when he could get a word in!, and enjoyed Sk's company as much as I did; I felt like we'd known each other for ages.

I was very pleased to see Mr Hare again and came armed with some felting needles in case any running repairs were required, in fact I did give him a bit of an MOT and left a needle with Sk to poke stray hairs\wool in again, if and when required!

On the way back to 'Matilda' we called into Gloucestershire Airport for Mr T to have a bit of an aviation fix. He had the added bonus of spotting one of the light aircraft parked up was one he used to have a quarter share in but subsequently sold. I've flown in that aircraft too so it was quite emotional to see the new pilot/owner taking off to who knows where.

Thank you for a lovely Blipmeet Sk, it was such a pleasure X

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