welcome to the real world

By dobbin

A pinky’s length away

Our final day in NYC was definitely not wasted. We had an early start so walked along the Highline for a bit to see lovely views and greenery. Headed back to Central Park to row on the lake which was absolutely gorgeous and very relaxing (once I got the hang of how to actually row..). Casually strolled back to the hotel stopping off at the Lindt shop for me to buy a LOT of chocolate and then at the American Girl Store for Heidi to buy her very own doll with outfits and accessories. She was in heaven! We wandered through Times Square again to find a good cheesecake place - Junior’s. The cheesecake was delicious!

Picked up the car which to my delight is a Ford Edge. It’s a gorgeous car and really nice inside, am trying to persuade mum&dad to buy one back home.

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