
By momcat1

They found the buddleia

the red spotted purple was there again today , although it now seems to prefer the pink buddleia. The monarch found the purple bush. And stayed put for a few minutes which was great because I did not feel well today and mostly sat around all day .
We have a sick 16 yr old cat also who layed around all day yesterday  but was retching and got worse as the day went on. As our regular vet's coverage vet was heading into surgery and wouldn't be able to see her for hours they suggested we take her to Cornell's ER. Since she looked awful by this time  we put her in the car and head there ( a little over an hour drive). Spent 8Pm  to 11:30 there , left her overnight as the X-rays didn't show an obstruction ,for IV's and an enema and picked her up at 9 this AM. She is perkier today but only will eat a little but and refuses to drink . So we are still worried.I guess it is back to the vets if she continues to refuse to drink.

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