
This little plant looks just like I feel today after battling with the technology from British Gas that is Hive.  The previous owners had a system installed and raved about how easy it was to control the heating, lighting and lots of other things from your phone or tablet.  We decided it sounded like a good idea, so bought a new Hive hub.

It connected to the broadband immediately, but that was all.  It would not talk to the receiver or the thermostat, no matter what I did.  The previous owner, who is an electronics geek, called round this morning and even he couldn't get it to work.  I was secretly rather pleased, as I'm sure he thought it was going to be a walk over, but even when he followed all the instructions online it would not pair up.

After he had gone, I called Hive and a very nice girl talked me through the procedure, which included several moves not included in their "helpful hints" (are you supposed to guess what to do?)  Anyway, it eventually linked up and now it's working just fine - so hurrah:-)

Another dull day, though not as bad as Monday and I was able to have a stroll round the garden to see what's there.  At least 10 fruit trees, of which 7 are apples, so the deer are welcome to their share!  A "secret" pathway behind a hedge which gives views up to the woods behind.  A wooden pergola with seat almost overgrown with clematis.  Lots of pretty bushes and plants, many in dire need of a haircut.  Lots to keep us both occupied in the future, that's for sure!  A few shots in Extras.

Looking forward to a visit from our daughter and son-in-law tomorrow evening for a few days, so my presence on here may be even scarcer than of late, but I will return:-)

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