Keats & Yeats

The murk eventually lifted and it was a lovely day so good to see the sunshine after a week and a half of mizzle, I went to the cemetery to check out some wildflowers for Miranda's challenge, as you do, - sea asters, but they were all past their best. However, I did spy this fine crop of odd fungi with amazing lacy black veined rims. I've no idea what they are but I was impressed.* It's all getting a bit season of mist and mellow fruitfulness already.
Perfect weather for gardening - all the weeds just pop out, so I've been path clearing and bed clearing, and then mowed the grass - it's grown more in the last two weeks than it has all summer, This was followed by a delicious swim.

* Snowy Ink caps probably, thanks to Talpa for identifying them; 
** or Pleated ink caps, thanks Mollyblobs

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