The Curse of Ottolenghi

I am always intrigued by the Ottolenghi recipes that appear in the Saturday Guardian. The photos make them look so appealing but they usually include ingredients so obscure to me that I have to resort to google. However this one appeared on Saturday and seemed quite easy, and I knew what all the stuff was, and it was quite likely I had it all in stock.

While the oven was on to roast the tray of aubergines I made an apple cake from the windfalls.

I didn’t have enough Bulgar Wheat to continue so I stopped at the deli on the way to the gym.

On the way I went by the new lingerie shop, popped in and came out with not one, but two, new bras. Bulgar wheat £1.75, bras £34 each.

Back to the recipe and realised I was out of Allspice (if ever I’d been in it) but not to be out-manoeuvred by Ottolenghi yet again, google told me nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves made an adequate substitute. But I had no ground cloves. Back down the village for the Allspice, and - yes - the lingerie shop had knickers to match the bras. Allspice £1.25, Knickers £10 x2.

Cost of the new recipe close on £100. But hey, I’ve been to the gym and walked twice to the village - so I won’t need to feel guilty about eating the apple cake.

This is his recipe and my attempt

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