A Wild Bee

I have no idea what kind of bee this is; it is sitting on a very small Black Eye Susan flower. I thought it matched the petals. It is all I got today because I had my great grand last night, today and tonight....her mommy started work today. I think it went well, but she was not anxious to have little Ellie back because she has to be at work at 7AM tomorrow morning. I took her over to visit with her mommy for awhile.....I think it is just easier to keep her here than to transfer her at 6:30AM!!! She usually gets up about 8AM...that is better for me.

Anyway....she is sleeping in her crib....very sweet the way she curled up with her musical stuffed animal.  She knows how to get the music to play and I will likely hear the lullaby when she wakes up in the morning.  :-)) Life is good!!

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