Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


Saturday last I´d intended to see and hear the Prinsengracht Concert, what was given by the two pianists and  brothers Lucas and Arthur Jussen. Then in the perimeters of the 10.000 others who attended the concert and not hearing much of the music I left early. But tonight the tele rebroadcasted the concert to my delight and I got this shot from the tele... it feels a bit like cheating putting it up here as I wasn´t hanging from a lamppost to get this shot, but on the otherhand I took it at home from the tele coz it shows how the two brothers played and play together the piano, either next to one another Quatre Mains, or opposit one another or solo.

a link to this Prinsengracht concert

the music starts at 2,18 minutes and continues

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