Fluffy Fury

This young male hummingbird* has decided that our front yard feeder is all his!  He protects it from all others (hummingbirds and chickadees - yes, chickadees - alike).  I've seen 3 hummingbirds trying to get to the feeder at one time, but there could be more... This little guy has his work cut out for him. :)  And the chickadees love to drink from the ant-cup that is above the hummingbird feeder (meant to keep ants out of the hum. feeder...  it's not really meant for the birds... but it's cute so I keep fresh water in there).  Little Mr. Hummer doesn't find it too cute and chases the chickadees as well.  He seems to be burning up more energy chasing others than he could possibly be replacing with the feeder food.  Quite a bit of entertainment for us to watch.

A chickadee and another fluffy hummy-pose in extras.
*BTW, I say young male hummingbird because I've spotted one red feather on his neck.  But it only shows up when the light hits it just so.  

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