Shades of Autumn

Although this afternoon's rain smacked more of April showers!   .... and I had not got the washing in before the deluge.

Until 4pm it was a perfect late summer day, warm sunshine with a lovely fresh breeze.  More of the autumn flowers are appearing.  Cyclamen in various places, Scilla autumnalis (now known as Prospero autumnale) and the first of the colchicum.  This one is the diminutive Colchicum montanum, common in the Pyrenees and down through Spain and Portugal.  It flowers as the temperature begins to fall, with or without rain.

Today I cut the grass for the first time in 3 months.  We've certainly had a summer this year.  Various tidying jobs, a visit from the DWP in the form of a nice lady who was assessing whether Jamie can manage his own PIP application as the evil day approaches.  It'll be his signature on the forms but in reality he'll have loads of help from us.  As the lady said, no sixteen year old is going to complete that paperwork unassisted.  

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