Upteenth Harvest

I haven't bought tomatoes in more than two months.  There's always something from the backyard now.  It's a surprise every time!

Patches of sunshine in between the grey, and the mercury is 10 degrees lower, at least.  The forecast says it will be warm again next week.  Well, no matter as I'll probably be inside a building.

Did some laundry and worked on the latest genealogy info.  Olaf the Painter has been here these past two days finishing what he started some months ago (interrupted by the summer break, our absences, and his wedding) and that's going well.  Doing some things like clearing and putting away stuff to get the adrenaline pumping again.  On the other hand, as I'm back to a 4-day work week, hopefully less stress.  Getting back the desired sleep pattern might be a little problem so there's a bit of a panic there that I might forget what day it is, but nothing that can't be fixed.

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