
By LmiriamC

Outstanding in her field

That's one thing my mom always used to joke about - she just thought it was funny to say that about anybody she saw standing in a field... Anyway, Salem is out-sitting in a field and you can see why they call this breed Wheaton Terrier. She was very sweet to sit nicely for about 5 seconds so I had to be fast. We went for a pretty good walk even though the air quality was still bad. 

Busy day - my sister and BIL came for dinner so I had to catch up on the cleaning and I made carnitas for dinner. Slow-cooked a pork shoulder for 5 hours, made up some black beans, guacamole, and chopped some tomatoes. Then, the Mr fried the pork (in its own fat so it would get crunchy) and we served it all with small tortillas and sour cream, and salsa too. That was good!

Salem was having another one of her moody days and kept trying to climb into my lap. I don't know what got her upset this time.

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