"Live a little, do a lot"

Today was the miniMinx's birthday. We all had pretty busy days ahead of us, so we had birthday breakfast at Lean And Green, where presents were opened and coffee was drunk. It was a very happy occasion given that it was an early start and we all had an eye on the clock! 

This afternoon, I needed to take Dan to the orthodontist. It's quite a journey he's been on, dealing with this one tooth that grew backwards into his palate. Firstly they had to cut back the skin and then pull the tooth down over a period of months using a fairly gothic variation on regular braces. He was tremendously stoic throughout. 

Then he had maybe a year with normal braces and then, recently, he was down to a retainer. Today they were building up the tooth. The treatment, thankfully, is almost at an end. 

I was a little early meeting him from the station, so I took a drive down to the river where there's loads of new build but also a few derelict buildings like this one. I'm always intrigued as the structure and innards become revealed as a building is dismantled. 

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‘A History Of Seven Killings’ by Marlon James

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