Choose Joy

By Energia

Life will break free

Excellent day after all. 

Many people in the US are feeling hopeful. I'm feeling glum because while Pence is better the situation will continue to get worse for women and LGBT unless we have a Blue Wave in November. I don't want to make US folks feel glum so I will share it with folks in England instead. On the plus side, he'll stop antagonizing our allies, he'll stop it with the trade wars, the corruption will drop to decent, respectable levels, and he's less likely to start a nuclear war, at least on purpose. 

I went to REI and got my question solved. I had two wonderful walks with my dog, the second one with my neighbor and friend too. and the dogs enjoyed being in a fountain. I shaved my dog so he can make it through the rest of the summer without his hair making him too hot. I vacuumed. I've done everything but figure out how to get my Filmic Pro footage onto my new wireless hard drive. Doh! I knew I had too much to do. 

Many pictures of deer today, a mother and her two fawns, a fawn hiding behind a gravestone, and a buck in the sunshine. 

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