The Trough of Bowland

First things first; my new bookclub book arrived from Big Green Books, this morning, and, although it doesn't look quite my cup of tea, I'm going to start reading it and give up on 'A History Of Seven Killings’ for now. I never have the slightest inclination to pick it up and I think I need to take another run at it later in the year. 

That aside, I had a good day, today. I spent most of it doing chores around the house, to be honest, while listening to the playlist for tomorrow's show, but it was very gratifying getting things sorted out. 

I was due to meet the Minx at the David Lloyd Centre at half-five but she texted me to say she'd been delayed (she was at a family do). As I was already out of the door, I decided to make the most of it and take a leisurely drive down through the Trough of Bowland, starting from Quernmore* and heading out to Whitewell. It was a beautiful day for driving and a real bonus.

*pronounced "kwor-mer" would you believe? 

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Reading: 'Vinegar Girl' by Anne Tyler.

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