Clean Slate

By cleanslate

River Mersey

It took all inventiveness and patience to keep this walk from falling apart.

Classic sibling contradiction, “I want to walk on the slope”, “but I want to walk on the road” with an added serving of “I’m sooo tired/hungry/thirsty/what are my bloods?”

With extra credit to the 15 or so geese that flew very low over our heads, in formation, which caused dramatic crouching and horror for quite a while after they had left.

However there was also no.1 son walking bravely over a bridge, which I had begun to think wasn’t going to happen again and some fun pole vaulting with a large stick (albeit against adult advice). There was also the following freaky amusing coincidence:
Mr CleanSlate: “Has your new electronic Monopoly game arrived yet No.2 son?”
No.2: “no, not yet Daddy”
Doorbell: “Ding Dong”
*Postman delivers monopoly game*
Much excited squeaking ensued.
But that is a bit weird, don’t you think?! :-/

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