Relax. Go To Sleep. You Won't Feel Anything .....

..... after you wake up.

Sometimes the remake of a classic can be even better than the original. That is true of this film, I think.

The original 1956 movie was, like so many other S.F. movies of the 1950's, inspired by the fear of Communism. The 1978 remake was inspired by the rise of the "Me Generation." When alien spores settle beside sleeping humans, materialistic, work-focused copies devoid of emotions are created that take the place of the original person who is killed. Perhaps it is the fact that this fear is far more relevant than the fear of communism which no longer exists. The relentless pressure to surrender to the demands of the workplace in the eternal work-life balancing act, and the overpowering brainwashing mass-media weaponry of consumerism, make the danger of "falling asleep" and transforming into a corporate clone that much more believable and terrifying.

Brilliantly acted with a stifling sense of paranoia and gloom, this is a superb film that is a worthy successor to its classic forebear. Can you identify it?

I'm sure this song is about pod people.

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