Bass Rock

Just for fun we took the bus to North Berwick, managing to bag front seats on the upper deck for a grandstand view into people's gardens of the countryside.

The plan was to return by train, so, after a nice lunch and a wander round we made our way to the station, purchased tickets at the machine and  proceeded to the platform only to see the information panel announce that the train was cancelled as a vehicle had hit a railway bridge along the route - but no detail as to the extent of the damage. 

There ensued much consternation among potential passengers, with the result that we all caught the bus, which arrived in town about the same time as the train following that cancelled. As we still had to call at the station to refund our useless tickets and catch a local bus home our jolly return journey took three hours. By car? Less than an hour.

Just imagine, the poor commuters in the south suffer this on a daily basis.

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