What Am I Doing?

By AbaloneShel

E 3 L ??

I went out today to take pictures and learn how to use this newfangled camera that Annie gave me. I've had vision problems and until the last few weeks could not even see through the viewfinder. Nonetheless, nothing much inspired me until I came across the image above,,,the initials E3L carved into a large old gnarled tree beside the trail. I pondered this until smoke came out of my ears.  And suddenly it came to me...this was evidence of the first robot to carve its initials in imitation of the humans it studied!!

The rest of  the day was not so pleasant. I had to convert these RW2 files to JPEGS because nothing seemed to be able to deal with them directly. Well, I've always liked troubleshooting and I learned a great deal in the process.Ha!

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