In My World

By JoanneInOz

Braxton's Garden

A couple of weekends ago my daughter-in-law brought four small flowering plants to my place. My two-year-old grandson, Braxton, wanted to do some gardening with his Nana, so I dug four holes in the garden and showed him how we needed to put lots of water in the holes before we planted his flowers, to keep them happy.

As we planted each flower, I told him their names - Pansy, Snapdragon, Zinnia and Marigold, and surprisingly he remembered all the names very well as he watered them with his own little watering can. And when you look at the photo, you will notice in the background that Braxton also chose a sweet little garden gnome to guard his flowers while they grow.

Did I mention how much I love being a Nana?

Braxton's Marigold is my contribution to Biker Bear's Flower Friday for this week. :)

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