Terraced meadows

The terraced meadows at Ca di Bati just keep giving. Dyer's Camomile, Chicory, this Bladder Campion?, a sweet fragrant mint beloved of the smaller bumble bees. A whole project to name them all in their sweet profusion.

Of course bindweed, ivy and Old Man's Beard would thwart all, along with the unsticky cleavers that spread and spread. Even Ground Elder and Horsetail down by the stream. And brambles in profusion.

We work away at our jobs in the sticky heat.

Shovelling and sifting gravel.

Collecting and preparing figs.

Ruing the old apple varieties for not being crisper and sweeter than they are.

But they quench a thirst when a barrowload of dry dust from the drive descends to the lower terraces and a pile of heavy acacia logs beckons to be pushed up the steep incline. Anything for a break, for moisture, for the tang and solace of the collected summer sun transformed.

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