Little Ships of Dunkirk.

Being the meteorological first day of Autumn I was going to post a lovely sunrise photo. However, I heard that the Little Ships of Dunkirk were passing through Teddington today and I really feel they deserve a mention.
A huge number of  Little Ships of Dunkirk processed down the Thames to Teddington Lock where they tied up for a while. The Rev Joe Moffat gave a short but very moving Service of Commemoration after which the water in the Lock was lowered and the boats left towards Richmond. It was lovely to see them - there was a wonderful atmosphere. The Little Ships of Dunkirk were about 850 private boats that sailed from Ramsgate in England to Dunkirk in France between 26 May and 4 June 1940 as part of Operation Dynamo, helping to rescue more than 336,000 British and French soldiers who were trapped on the beaches at Dunkirk during the Second World War. Robert Tough of Tough's Boatyard in Teddington assembled more than 100 private boats to join the Dunkirk evacuation. 
See my extras for more photos ......including my sunrise!

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