Just Another Special Guy

By JustMichael

Some Infinities Are Bigger Than Others

TFIOS readers will know.

Stayed up late last night sketching this up. Saw it on google, wanted a physical copy drawn by myself. I decided this will be my next tattoo. The quote is "some infinities are bigger than other infinities", and just as there's more numbers between 0 and 2 than there are between 0 and 1, some people get more moments in their lives than others. Any moment could be the last one of your unbounded set you call life. I don't live in quite the same reality as Hazel and Augustus, but even at age 20 I acknowledge that my life is unknowably short, so I must live my infinity, I must go to seek my great perhaps, I must take a chance regardless of what my theorem indicates... and whatever metaphor Paper Towns, as of yet unread, holds for me... (I enjoy the works of John Green, a fact which only recently fully sunk in)

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