
By Linda59

Arillas Wine Festival

Yesterday, after a very early start followed by a two hour delay at Edinburgh airport we made it back to Arrilas in Corfu.

Today was spent catching up on sleep and relaxing on the beautiful beach. In the evening we went to the Wine Festival which is set amongst the olive groves. My husband has been looking forward to this for months as last year we left the day before this annual event! For 8 euros you get a jug of wine which can be refilled as often as you want. There was also souvlaki, lamb and doughnuts to eat.

It was extremely busy with lots more local people than visitors which was lovely. For entertainment there was singing, Greek dancers then dancing for everyone to join in. As these dances were extremely fast and long (and it looked like it would be the same as joining an Eightsome Reel without having a clue how to do it) I just watched from the sidelines!

All in it was a brilliant nights entertainment.

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