
By JustJuFleur7070

Last day

Me and Francis got up early while the boys were still sleeping and walked to Pere Lachaise Cemetery. We found Jim Morrison who was looking a bit sad and weary. The headstone has been stolen and the tomb barricaded off. There is a craze for sticking bits of chewing gum on special monuments and the tree next to tomb was covered. Apparently the surrounding tombs have had to all be cleaned because they have been so covered in graffiti. It just seems wrong. Oscar Wilde's tomb was looking monumental though and much better cared for.  
By the time we were back with croissants and baguette the boys were just about awake. We ate breakfast, played some piano, packed up and left.  We left the luggage at Gare du Nord and spent the afternoon going to the Eiffel Tower where Sam got a ride on a donkey and Bryn and Francis played frisbee. We made a quick visit to Sacre Coeur before heading back to the Gard Du Nord and the Eurostar home. 
What an amazing journey we've been on. 

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