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Rushbearing 2018


The 2018 Rushbearing Festival concluded this evening at St Bartholomew's Church Ripponden. 

Rushbearing itself dates back several centuries to the time when church floors consisted of little more than stone flags or beaten earth and rushes were used as a winter covering. Each year, in late summer, the old and rotten rushes were cleared out and new ones taken to the churches in carts. Here this annual custom has developed into an excuse for revelry, music, dancing and much drinking of strong ales.

Over the weekend the rushbearing procession visits seven towns and villages (visiting many churches and local hostelries along the way). 

The focal point of the procession is the sixteen feet high, two-wheeled,  decorated and thatched rushcart. A team of young ladies take turns to ride on top of the cart as it is pulled by sixty local men dressed in Panama hats, white shirts, black trousers and clogs (see extras). 
More photos here

I managed another 10km run this morning over Norland.

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