Geiko-san shashin torimasu

At the request of ~ rower2012. It took some time to find a Maiko or Geiko, (term for Geisha in Kyoto), to take me a picture. The kind Geiko was a little nervous to handle my camera, so she used her cell/ mobile - phone. It took some strategic work, but finally here you go.

Regarding my blog, I'm afraid I still working on. I had some technical difficulties but it should be up and running hopefully sometime soon. As I getting to know more people in the Hanamachi world, (Geisha-district), work has unexpectedly increased. Together with my research-work at the moment I only manage to save the pictures files into my external hard drive.

Please everybody have some patient, I'm working hard towards my website and blog, where I'll not only be posting daily Maiko and Geisha pictures but also information about my work in Japan.

I might start to blip some pictures form time to time until the blog is up and running.

Thank you very much everybody for your generous support!

I miss you all!!!

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