Comfort Zone

Since retiring I try to stay permanently in my Comfort Zone, there was enough stress at work to feel justified in giving it up.  Having recently started at WRAP I am feeling a little out of my comfort zone as the accounts and processes are handed over, hopefully this should not go on too long.

My understanding is that a comfort zone is primarily a state of mind achieved when a place or activity presents no fear of the unknown, stress or uncertainty, and one feels 'comfortable' in the situation or task.

Of course it can have the alternative meaning, that of a place, or zone, where one feels comfortable, e.g. in bed, in the garden or in this case an armchair.  

This is a pretty old chair that we had reupholstered some years back.  It is very comfortable with the added advantage of the blanket thrown over the hack for when the knees feel cold!  It is close to the fire and handy shelves for a cup of tea. Basically it is one of my physical Comfort Zones.

Thanks to Ellaphant for hosting today’s Mono Monday.

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