A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Lazy Sunday

Not done much at all today.

I have lived most of my life less than five miles from Manchester city centre, so fields with horses in (much like this blip) were quite rare.
Now as I spend more and more time at my girlfriend's, part way between Manchester, Oldham and Ashton under Lyne, there are quite a few fields and farms close by. I still find it all a bit new.
So photographing a horse is something I've wanted to do for a while, even if it does look like the horse has some wire sticking out of its necjk.
Yesterday, as I mentioned, I met up with my brother for a couple of hours at my mum's house before he headed off back to London.
Don't see as much of him as I'd like - aside from being based in London, in the past few weeks he's also been working in New York, Leamington Spa, and Warwick.

It was good to catch up face to face, rather than via text or email; and as expected, he started a fight (play fighting of course), where he managed to almost hit me in the eye, so I of course had to lock his arm with an arm bar kind of move. At which point he shouted for my mum. He's thirty six, 6'1" and I'm forty two and 5'6".
Of course it's not terribly mature of us, but that's how we brothers are when we get together. Whether it's just two of us, as yesterday, or all three of us.

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