Warning to self: Don't go in!

I was expecting to provide a blip from Cockermouth's Christmas lights switch-on but I hadn't got anything very promising before it started to rain.
So instead I thought I would share something which I thought deserved more publiity than it seemed to get. A couple of years ago Andrew Lloyd-Webber collaborated with English Heritage (and I think the Daily Telegraph) on the Heritage Angels awards for special renovation projects. Cockermouth's Main Street was up for one of the awards and IT WON!
What was done that was so special? Well. when the street was ravaged by the 2009 floods the decission was made to try to restore and in some cases recreate the Georgian shop fronts. This is an example.
Why the title? This shop sells the most fantastic shoes; interesting, unusual and comfortable.(I think I am right in saying that they reckon only to sell comfortable shoes). I seldom manage to come out empty handed. Safer not to go in!

P.S. I didn't know when I posted yesterday's blip that Trev had not referred to it. He is Chair of Aspatria First Responders so the photo shows him receiving the cheque.

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