Sŵn yr afon

Sŵn yr afon ~ The sound of the river

Un o fy hoff leoedd yn y parc yw ar bwys y bont ger y gored.  Mae'n llawn o sŵn yr afon, adlewyrchiadau, coed, planhigion, blodau, ac wrth gwrs hwyaid. Mae'n dda i sefyll yna a ddim ond gwylio a wrando heb feddwl.

Ar y pwnc o beidio â meddwl, heno roedd cyfarfod cyntaf y grŵp myfyrdod ar ôl y gwyliau'r haf. Roedd e'n dda i weld pawb eto

One of my favorite places in the park is near the bridge near the weir. It is full of river noise, reflections, trees, plants, flowers, and of course ducks. It's good to stand there and just watch and listen without thinking.

On the subject of not thinking, tonight was the first meeting of the meditation group after the summer holidays. It was good to see everyone again

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