Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

A Wet Purple Clover Flower

A very wet ride in to work. The commute started off ok, road works don't help. For the last 2km, the rain gets a bit heavier,made worse by the westerly wind blowing it in to my face.

Spend the morning catching up with the week off.

The rain is a very light drizzle for my lunchtime walk, and I decide it will go off while I am out. I deliberately walk in to the wind, it is now an easterly, so that walking back to the office won't be too bad. However, as can be seen on the blip of a purple clover flower, the drizzle doesn't really go off, it gets a bit heavier. I do go to the local supermarket to get some fig rolls for my mid morning snack, then head back to the office. There seems to be more stuff that needs to be done. Busy afternoon.

The same happens for my commute home. A bit of light drizzle to start, getting heavier as I get closer to home.

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