
By Gracesblip


Not sure if i even like this photo.

Today the whole family came over to the house today to celebrate thanksgiving. Since my sister married a yank 2 years ago, it's now a tradition.

We turned the dining room into a nursery for a while. Hated it i must say. Most of my childhood memories all revolve round the big dining table with my brother, sister, mum, dad, my gran and myself.

But i've convinced my mum to bring the table back. There was lots a noise and eating. Mum makes the best sunday dinner. It's nice to have the whole family round to eat again. Everyone has there families now and it's just mum, dad and i.

Today was also the 5 year aniversary of my grans death. I can't say i feel any sadder or different because of it. I think about her every single day. She was a huge part of my life and i'll always love her.

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