Fireworks on the Tye

We were all up and out early this morning and Galia was waiting at work for me as she's having Coco for the rest of Elif's holiday, and as she lives near the clinic I said I'd take Coco with me.  There were only three physio patients so I was only in work for three hours, and I went to the supermarket on my way home to do the food shop.  Then I did my ironing and tidied up as I wanted to get all my jobs done today so that I can spend tomorrow with Alan.

He landed in Munich about 4.30pm and had a couple of hours to kill in the lounge until his onward flight to Heathrow, so we spoke on the phone and then I went for a swim.  I got to the pool at 5.45pm which was a great time to go as it was so quiet, there were only two of us in the outdoor pool.

I was home for 7pm, cooked my dinner and then I went to watch the firework display on Telscombe Tye which is the fields behind us.  They hold this free event every year at the beginning of September and in past years it's been a full days' event with a funfair during the day, but this year they only had the fireworks.  As it's at the far end of the Tye, it's quite a walk across the fields in the dark so I decided to drive down and parked up near one of the entrances, and I took the torch with me.  There was a couple stood at the gate and the woman asked me where the fireworks would be, so they followed me - she said she thought I was very brave going on my own, but I said it's quite safe as there are so many people and everyone leaves at the same time.  They offered to escort me back, but I assured them I was fine.

I found a good spot and put the camera on the monopod and set it to 'firework' mode.  The display was really good and was about 20 minutes long.  Alan text me just as they started to say that he'd landed, so it was the perfect celebration.

Alan's currently in the taxi and will be home very shortly so I'll log off and will catch up with you tomorrow.  Hope you're having a good weekend!

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