What Am I Doing?

By AbaloneShel

Block Party

When I left the apartment this afternoon I heard music playing somewhere not too far away. Following the sounds led me to the Stones Throw Brewery about two blocks from my place. The street was closed off and the was a big party going on. It was a very mellow scene with people of all ages eating, drinking, and listening to a four piece rock band of my generation (geezers). Loud rock music is not generally my cup of tea, but I have been known to rock out if the spirit moves me. Anyway, I thought,I was there to take pictures. The band got young and old dancing and ended up playing without a break for three hours.I did my share of dancing and really enjoyed myself. The pictures  I took weren't very good but I was taken with a boy about ten years old dancing by himself, totally entranced by the music.

Also I am excited because Annie is returning tomorrow 
 from darkest Africa and I won't have to dance alone anymore.

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