Cushion the Blow

All the cushions from the garden furniture ended up dumped in the dining room at the end of the evening. Lily decided it looked like a comfy place for a nap.

Well, I think everyone survived the party although there were a couple of casualties by the end. We had to hose down the decking and I have heard that one of my friends had her shoes 'redecorated' by her son when he got home. Unfortunately she was wearing them at the time.
All in all it seems that the party was a roaring success. We are very lucky that everyone who came to the party was really lovely. We kept ourselves out of sight all evening but at 11, we (the parents) went outside, armed with bin bags to start clearing up. The kids (teens/youngsters/young people) were very polite, thanking us for the party and declaring it 'awesome'. D chatted to a parent at football this afternoon who said her children told her it was the best party they had been to.

Alf has been quiet all day and after football (they won) took himself back to bed. He's still asleep which is not going to be great unless he actually manages to sleep all night. Still, it was worth it to get anything more than a grunt out of him. Turns out that after a few beers he's a very chatty boy!

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