Road trip

Karen and Cali took us on a road trip today.  First of all we travelled to Wemyss Bay and crossed on the ferry to the Isle of Bute.  Then along the coast to Mount Stuart, the family seat of the Marquis of Bute.  We had coffee and then toured the building which is absolutely exquisite.  

Then we travelled the length of the island to cross on another smaller ferry to Colintraive and had a nice lunch at the hotel there.  And on to Inveraray where we experienced the festival 'Best of the West' as Karen had some complimentary tickets. And home to a meal at Nigel Gardens. with wine of course. 

A long day but we all enjoyed it thoroughly and will have a quiet day tomorrow to recover.

My main photograph is of Mount Stuart, and I have uploaded a couple of other shots of the day, one of Inveraray Castle and one of the Highlanders, just because I love them.

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