glenara... one of several beautiful 'mansions' in Glenelg one of Adelaide's beachside suburbs and the oldest European settlement on mainland South Australia.

Today we caught the tram from the city and 20 minutes or so there was the ocean and the beach a couple of minutes walk from the tram stop.
Following the 'Mansions of Glenelg' walk many of the original houses are still in place some still family homes and others now  apartments.
AND Lionel Logue speech therapist to King George IV lived as a child in Glenelg in St John's Row.

After all this rubbing shoulders...or at least pounding feet by their was off for an aperitif of bubbles and posh oysters at The Oyster Bar on the marina.(extra)

Glenelg does however have a dark story in its  history.
The Beaumont children aged 97 and 4 disappeared in 1966 from the Glenelg Beach and 52 years later their disappearance is still unsolved.

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