Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Round and Round..

.. And round the little birdfeeder bowl they go. Ladybirds/harlequins, greenfly, small bugs and even smaller bugs. It's like Piccadilly Station.
I didn't have time to stay out long today, so this was a quick one. I had a brief look, before I posted this, at the blips around and thought 'wow', such a lot of beautiful and clever images. I don't have time for comments unfortunately.

Mine is simply a reminder for the day.

A day without builders (they're away for a bit. Not what we would have planned but we were beggars not choosers in that department).
A day awaiting a tiler (nice man. He arrived, but we're left, for now, with more questions than answers and a bigger bill than we had anticipated. Isn't it so often the way? Sigh).
And an evening to look forward to, with an old neighbour from Oxfordshire.
The burning question is, can I bear to take off my thermals and wear something less 'Derbyshire' to meet her? :-)

It's chilly upstairs with no available heating.

I think I'll be leaving the directoires on :-/

Too much information??

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