I was making...

...an order for something on Amazon. I was of half a mind to treat myself to go into a proper shop to by this item.

So, I hadn’t decided whether to use Amazon, or a proper shop with hopefully helpful people on what I was considering buying. There were 3 different towns to choose from, and I was debating which I might like to go to.

I was still in the half deciding stage. The item on Amazon was £49.99. And that was nearly half price anyway.

So I put it through to the ordering stage just to see when it could possibly arrive. End of the week it said. But I was impatient, and still fancied going out to a proper shop to buy it tomorrow.

I put my iPad on the bed, and in bounded cat Popeye who leapt on to my iPad screen. I tried to get him off it. Grabbing the iPad wasn’t an option because he had dug his claws under the skin of both arms and I was trying to extractate myself without drawing blood. ‘Treat. Treat’ Popeye is miaowing at me.

Then I realise his paw pads are altering my Amazon order. Before I can get at the iPad the order has been altered, and the price on the order was changed, and suddenly the message flashes...’Thank you for your order...’

Oh, no. What has Popeye done...

I grab Popeye, chuck him in the kitchen, and he doesn’t get any treats. I come back with a strong coffee and sit down to figure out what he has done.

The total cost of my order had been £49:99 for the one item. All I had needed to do was press the ‘Buy’ button.

With cat Popeye suddenly leaping in from outside, putting his paw pads on the iPad screen, somehow he had touched the section ‘Promotional offer’. And he had got me another £15 off my order. And then pressed ‘Buy’ with his paw pads as I was trying to grab him.

So the same order went through for £34:99....instead of £49:99 all because cat Popeye jumped on my iPad screen.

I had no idea there was a promotion with this. He somehow got me £15 off £49:99.

Popeye is now out of the doghouse (kitchen), and currently on my lap with a pile of treats. He is purring madly...

I would have paid at least double this amount, if not treble if I had gone to a real shop.

Does this mean I can still have a trip out and spend what Popeye has saved me....

I will let you know what it was at the weekend or when it arrives and I have figured it out...

My blip today is a painting I did from the 10 minute acrylic You Tube painting tutorials that Ryan O’Rourke does. These mountains are incredibly easy to do.

Have a great day.
Thanks for all the lovely comments and stars and faves.
Take care x

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